A list of all the resources I’m aware of in North America. It is woefully under representative of Canada and Mexico. Primarily resources are online but there a list of a few in person places. Please contact me with the form on the bottom main page to have your resource added.

Event Calendars

A list of the online resources that document events in North America

Team Finders

A list of the online resources to help you find teams near you

  • ACS Knight Finder
    • A list of teams in North America. Includes ACS and HMB teams as well as some ACW teams. Accruate as of June 2023.
  • HMB Clubs
    • A list of HMB teams in North America. Does not appear to include ACS or ACW teams. May be out of date
  • ACW Locator
    • A list of ACW teams. Appears to only be ACW. May be out of date

League Websites

A list of the current websites for organizations hosting events in North America

Informational Text Resources

A list of written informational resources

  • South Jersey Pine Barons Practice Archive
    • A detailed breakdown of how to run practices with additional information for fighters trying to build a club
  • Start Fighting.info
    • A website dedicated to helping new fighters navigate the first year including gear, training, etc.
  • IloveBuhurt
    • General informational website
  • Armored Combat Academy
    • An app created by members of Dominus, the top US team, to provide teaching resources. Mix of free and paid content. App free to download.

Fight Gyms

A list of Armored Combat dedicated training facilities

English Video Resources

A list of Youtube Channels dedicated to Armored Combat

  • WoodChuck Knight
    • Progression of new fighter to vet to world champion. Personal journey and advice for new fighters
  • Armored Combat Academy
    • An app created by members of Dominus, the top US team, to provide teaching resources. Mix of free and paid content. App free to download.
  • Cincinati Barbarians:Axing Questions
    • Twitch Stream interview show.
  • TrashTalk
    • My twitch, where I primarily interview people but also watch tape and sometimes other random shit.
  • WarlordBrett
    • Tiktok where the top trainer in the country talks about fights. Primarily fight break downs
  • Paul The Barbarian
    • Veteran fighter and Knight Fight TV show Episode Champion. Provides content focused at new fighters, journeyman, and vets. Interviews and technical breakdowns. On Hiatus
  • Bear Blackspear
    • Veteran Fighter and Captain of Le Dogue de MontrĂ©al. Provides high level detailed video breakdowns of fights. On Hiatus
  • Medieval Athlete
    • Veteran fighter Captain of the New England. Provides General Content. On Hiatus
  • Josh Karnage
    • Head Medieval instructor at Ironhide Academy. On hiatus
  • Brett Skinner
    • Head instructor at Warlord Combat Academy. On Hiatus. Will return under a new name
  • TrashKnightYoutube
    • reposts of my stream along with some prepared videos. On hiatus.

Fight Video Channels

A list of Youtube Channels that show full fights

  • IMCF
    • Videos of the previous of current IMCF
  • Timothy Hines
    • High camera quality footage focused on US teams and tournaments. Moving angles, will not have the whole field most of the time.
  • HonorAndArms
    • UK club that posts practice and event videos.
  • Yurijful
    • Individual rounds of HMB tournaments going back to 2009
  • Knights Hall Archive
    • Archive of Twitch Livestreams of Knights Hall events. Chapter Match, Duels, Knight Fight, and experimental formats. Moderate Production Value. On Hiatus
  • Buhurt League
    • Tournament based fights across the globe leading up to Buhurt Prime. High production value. Defunct
  • Battle of The Nations
    • Videos of the previous or current Battle of the Nations. Defunct

Russian Video Resources with Translations

A list of Youtube Channels with Armored Combat

  • Max Yun
    • Well produced information content from one to the top Russian fighters. Most videos have english subtitles.
  • Ukolov
    • Technique based channel from perhaps the best Singles fighter so far. Some videos have english subtitles.

Clubs With Dedicated Space and Head Trainers

A list of groups that haven’t quite launched a full gym but have a practice space and program that is a bit above people just getting together in a park and hitting each other once a week.