Hey All,

Third time’s the charm or something

Mistakes from June 14th, 2023

Or things I fucked up. 

Except in this case I think I got everything right. Cause I’m fucking awesome. Hell yeah me.

Results from June 14th –  June 21st, 2023

Tournament of Deeds, UK

Britain hosted a Buhurt international tournament this week and the expected happened. White Company and Swords of Cygnus both walked away with gold. On the women’s side Hellions of Armored Combat Gloucester took silver with The Infernal Unicorns taking bronze. Steph Kiddle of Swords of Cyngus was awarded Most Valuable Fighter. For the men it was Invicta in second and The Northern Wolves in third. Euan Campbell of Northern Wolves got the nod as Most Valuable Fighter. Unfortunately the stream was taken down as the music at the event was copyrighted. They say the video will be back up but I don’t know when or where. If I find up I will update with that.
Video is back up!

Den of Werewolves Event

The Vegas Club Antre de Bisclavret(Den of Werewolves) hosted a small singles event. Mark from the Werewolves beat Justyn, name unknown, in longsword 32-28. Howard, also from the DoW, beat Kelly in a Polearm championship 37-33. There was a belt on the line in that bout and it will be up for the taking again sometime in September for all polearm interested fighters. The event was also a collaboration with a HEMA club that went well and hopefully will allow for more cross pollination and greater community involvement in each others sports. 

Toreneo Tavola Rotonda a Ferrara

Italy also hosted a Buhurt International event. I couldn’t find any summary of what happened. However there are videos of the whole thing on the event facebook page. I’ll hopefully get a chance to watch them this week but I have yet to find the time. 

Oregon Brewfest

Cerebus hosted an event in Oregon that was primarily a training event put on by the North and West members of Dominus. They had 25 people there training and all reports are that the event went swimmingly. Next year there will be a full tournament. 

*New* Upcoming Tournaments/Events

Became aware of three events, all in the south east which could use more Buhurt love. So make it out to these if you can. Both events will be in bold in the event listing below

Tulsa Free Company  is hosting an event in Hot Springs Arkansas that will feature Outrance, Duels, and Melees on Halloween Weekend October 28-30th. They are advertising Cash Prizes. Details here. 

In St. Eminence Kentucky, the Louisville Royals Steel Fighting Team will be running an event at the Kentucky Highland Renaissance Festival. This is the July 4th weekend, July 1-2nd.  They are actively seeking more fighters.  Registration found here.

Nashville Armored Combat is hosting an all female/femme training camp August 26th and 27th. They are bringing in Bree Wolf, the lightweight champion from Australia to coach. Details here


Or all things fit to print. Please either ignore that this is a web post and/or print out a copy of it so that that sentence makes sense. 

The date and location for the Aztec Challenge IMCF is hosting have dropped. It will be a few miles outside Guadalarjara on the weekend of Novemeber 18th. Details here.

Rumors state that Buhurt International is considering changing the points system of the league structure to prevent odd outcomes like teams that don’t make it out of pools getting more points than teams that do in a Round Robin followed by Single Elim Tournament structure. There are no official announcements though nor have we heard what alternatives they are considering. 

AMCF voting for Board Of Directors has opened. There is only one seat up this time around. If you are an AMCF member please check your email for the link to vote. If you did not receive it please contact the Board ASAP. If you aren’t a member but want to vote you must register for membership(it’s $20 and gets you a year of liability insurance) and provide proof of membership registration after which the link will be sent to you. 

Skalligrams, for years one of if not the best Canadian team, has changed their name. They are now North Blood.

Carolina Carnage opened team registrations and immediately had to close it again due to completely filling the slots. They have opened for a wait list now for teams that missed the opportunity. Historically in this sport between 10%-50% of those initially registered for events drop so it is worth it to get on the waiting list. Duels registration does not appear to have opened yet. Currently there are 35 Mens teams and 12 Womens teams registered, not counting the waitlist. The Carnage staff is also considering what to do after the melee finals on the third day. Either 12s, 30s, or Objective Scenarios. Captains are currently voting so if you have thoughts let your captain know so they can register your vote. 

The July 8th Profights card in Texas has not been announced but I have learned of one exciting match. Charles Harris captain of The Lost Boys merc crew, a crowd favorite team is fighting fellow Lost Boy Heath Sutherland. This will be a bangarang-er of fight. Charles is an aggressive, mean, high energy force, with some weapon skills not to be discounted. Heath is a grinding machine with strength and endurance built from years of wrestling. He also is no slouch when it comes to weapons having spent many years as a top fighter in a foam group. I am beyond hype for this fight. 


Again please help me out with this if you find this useful and reach out directly to me so I’m not stuck chasing this all down. 

Thanks y’all. 


Buhurt International 

  1. 3. Iron Challenge 3, Denmark 📅 June 24th
  2. 4. Teuton Cup, Poland 📅 June 30th
  3. 5. Tournament Hinwil, Switzerland 📅 July 1st
  4. 1. Winterfest 2023, Australia 📅 July 1st
  5. 6. Tournament of Visegrád, Hungary 📅 July 8th
  6. 2. Torneo Dij Cossot, Italy 📅 July 22nd
  7. 3. Miesbach Tournament, Germany 📅 August 5th
  8. 4. King Kazimierz Cup, Poland 📅 August 12th
  9. 5. Häme Challenger, Finland 📅 August 19th
  10. 6. Way of Honor, Germany 📅 September 9th
  11. 7. DSG Medieval Fighting Cup, Czech Republic 📅 September 30th
  12. 8. Heritage Shield, UK 📅 October 14th


Aztec Challenge: Cañon de las Flores, November 17th, 18th, 19th. Melee and Duels. 


Omaha Hellhounds: Midwest Mayhem Pro Fights June 24th. 

Steel Legion: KicAss Peabody Mass  July 1st. Melees and Profights. Registration is here

Minnesota: War in the North on August 12th 10v10 Minneapolis

Vermont Armored Combat: Brattleboro VT September 23rd. The Vermont Cheese Cup Duels

The ACS 

Valhalla Beer and Battle Fest August 1-6 in Charlton Mass. Melee, Singles, Drinking, Softkit. 

Rookie Rumble  August 5th Charlton Mass. Rookie Warlord tournament and Rumble Tournament

ACS North American Championship or ACSNACS: Reno October 7th. 

The ACW 

Nationals: October 7th and 8th in Perryville MD Melee and Singles

AMMA  June 28th, Nashville.


Marshall Seminar June 21st at 10:00 PM EST. Training. Online. 

DragonCon: Aug 31-Sept 4 Atlanta GA. Melees, Profights, Duels. 

Vermont Armored Combat: Brattleboro VT September 23rd. The Vermont Cheese Cup Melee


World’s End Buhurt Bash on June 24th in Roseville MI. Fun Melee and Singles, Non competitive. 

Kentucky Highland Ren Faire: hosted by Louisville Royals, July 1-2. Details

The Knights Hall Documentary Singles July 7th and 8th Nashua NH. 

Texas Profights and Regional Practice July 8th, Warlord Combat Academy. Dallas Texas.

Golden Ring Pro Fight July 15th LA.

Soft kit Youth fighting July 15th in Battle Ground, WA.

BALLS: The triple Nipple, Weekend of August 12th. Seattle Washington. Training, lots of training

Maid of Steel Training Camp: Hosted By and located at Nashville Armored Combat. Aug 26-27th.

Ohio Renfaire every weekend in September and October. Singles and Melees as shows.

Tub Thumpin’: Battle on Bathhoouse Row. Hosted by Tulsa Free Company. Garland County Fairgrounds Hot Springs Arkansas. Melees, Duels, Outrance. CashPrizes. Details