Still in vacation mindset so this is another quick one, a bit sillier though. At the hall we like to use metaphors from our geekery to try and model fighting, either in numerical senses or in qualitative dimensions that provide a greater context from a few words. This is primarily done using D&D stats and classes but recently with the Netflix bump to the Avatar fandom, we have started describing our team via the types of bending. This is a fun game I encourage you to try with your fighters, not just cause it’s enjoyment factor, but because focusing on fighters styles and comparing them to the facets of bending may help unlock some greater understanding in the puzzle that is fighting. The more ways you can look at a problem the better insight into it you will have.
To get you started this is how I break down the bending styles into fighting. Air is a fighter that primarily avoids action, looking for quick strikes before breezing out. These are your runner/flankers primarily, but in singles they are the fighters who back away from distance, blocking and sniping. This is a fighter who tries to never plant in one place, who rarely throws heavy blows until their opponent has left an opening, but mostly keeps a light pressure on. In grappling look for them to mainly avoid it and try to escape as quickly as possible. Throws will consist mostly of sudden large movements based on low trips. To beat an air fighter trap them and cut off their movement. Push them to the rail and get stuck in the corner. Primary Singles Style is Sword and Shield Duels
Fire is the all out offense. The Eastern Euro mauling style is a great example for melee. In general expect fire fighters to stand square, not bladed, to their opponent, walking forward with heavy repeated strikes. In singles these are your spam fighters, keeping a ferocious pace, primarily straight forward motion, and using heavy blows to stun and open new angles, rather than blocks, feinting, or dodging. To harness fire in grappling will use explosive power the destabilize the fighter up top before driving their legs from beneath them. To be these flame slingers, slip to the side as they drive forward and catch them on the angles, while they are striking and expecting a strong resistance. Primary Singles Style is LongSword Duels.
Earth fighters are your halberd bois. Slower but more deliberate with crushing power. These fighters are also found on the rail and constantly anchor themselves in. Grappling is not a matter of throwing the fighter but the slow inevitable crush of them being pulled, pushed, or even squished to the ground. In singles these fighters are most likely to set up strong guards and then throw solid strong blows of 1-3 shot combos. Those of the earth will be perfectly willing to stand and bang, “trading” blows. This is a trap, they will be meeting and stopping your force, exceeding it, more likely than not. Beat them by setting up just out of range, and constantly moving just enough. Force them to start moving robbing them of their power and and base. Primary Single Style is Pole arm Duels
Those who flow with water are your tricky grapplers. Moving with your force they use trips, dips, pulls, and throws to take your already moving weight and drive it into the ground. They mostly strike to distract you and bait you, making it seem like there is no power, but if you don’t react they will set and deliver the big one. In singles they like to move into range and fire counter blows, sliding out of the way of your strikes or deflecting them just enough. Level changes, side steps, and equal measures of retreating and advancing categorize their movement. To beat them don’t over extend just keep up constant pressure, light enough to retract if they ever try to pull it against you. Their primary singles style is Knight Fight/Pro Fight.
This is just my take on the fandom and I’m sure others have their own. I would love to hear what you define yourself and your team mates as. Or any differences of opinions you have here. Lets get stupid pedantic about very trivial things.
See you in the Lists